so, kelanta lose the FA cup trophy. its was an enjoyable moment to gather at mahallah and watch a football match together with all the brothers. even some of us were not supporting the same team.. as a kelantanesse, i accept the fate that we could not claim the title for this this year.
we have watch KL Gangster at midvelly yesterday. it was such an action movies that the rating was approaching 5 stars. i am very glad that 'made in malaysia' movies have improve very well. yes, its start from Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa that have put a high rating for malaysian movie. credits for the director Syamsul Yusof.

another saturday was filled at top KL mega mall that was Midvelley.actually, it was not far from CFS, juz take a bus and pay RM 1.90, then, after 15 minutes, we'll be there.. our mission to midvelly is to watch KL gangster.. alhamdulillah i could manage my money to avoid over spend. juz because my mama called me and warned me to spend money wisely. thanks mama :)
FREE! it was the statement that i fed up nowadays. why? because law students are free without any programme or activites. ou man, we just sleep in the morning, playing PES11 in the afternoon, playing Uncomfortable football during evening n facing lappy until late nite. it was my rutine for last 3 days and fortunately until next wednesday. yeah. its sounds cool but stupid.
my friends at Uitm n Um already attend their lecture, but me? still goyang-goyang kaki here at room 219 mahallah aisyah :(

this is the factor why we could not start our lecture. our groupings and time table has not finish yet. so, it is not fair to blame the Department of Laws. like madam Fiz Fairuz said, it is not because they are not doing their works, but the problem was 'System Down' occur at the department. yes. it is not my business. so, forget about it.
CHEAP! alhamdulillah, the food price here at IIUM especially at Mahallah ABC is very cheap and SEDAP SANGAT! i went for my dinner and i order Mee Hailam. pergh! it is juz rm 2.50. sedap + banyak lauk + byk mee + bowl yg cantikk..
here are some pictures :

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