it is all about knowing each other. Ta'arus Programme 2011/2012 intake was held for a new IIUM students. i've know about it before i step in into IIUM campus.
30th May 2011 was a history in my life, at 9 am, i've been successfully become one of IIUM students. so, here for the first week, we gonna have orientasi programme that was called Ta'aruf Programme here at IIUM. for me, Ta'aruf means suai kenal. :D
i was placed in Mahallah Aishyah that is at the edge of the campus, i'm very sad at first but i take it as a challenge for me to drop my weight.hehehe. juz an inspiration for myself. so, i was the first person to check in into room 219. there is 4 double decker bed inside our room. so, my roomate wass. jeng.jeng,jeng. Asyraf, Amirul, Faiz, Iqbal n Piyan. no one of them come from kelantan, i was expected to have one kelantanesse in my room at first.hahah, but its ok, they were very kind and sporting guys.

resort outside. ;D
our Ta'aruf is handle by abang2 n kakak2 committe, they are very kind. alhamdulillah, there is no bully or ragging junior here. we are very lucky to have this kind of culture. our ta'aruf week was very steady, even i can play Pes11 at night, the time table was not very pack. one thing that i always remember about ta'aruf is gathering at the field in the morning to read Ma'surat everyday. huh, its was a great feeling. oh ya, our batch for this intake is around 3000 ++. so, it was impossible to gather all of us in the Al-Malik Faisal hall.
Ta'aruf programme was filled by a lot of breifing. and exam. 1st day of ta'aruf was the EPT, APT and FRK. EPT stands for English Placement Test, fuhh. the question was very challenge, but alhamdulillah i manage to get level 5 instead of getting level 4 as i was expected before. APT is Arabic Placement Test, it was very hard because i did not have a solid basic for arabic. so, i got level 1 for the test. FRK is something like Fardhu Ain, the question about Islamic Knowledge. it was very weird to answer Islamic question in English. I didnt know the istilah in English :(
Here at IIUM, everyone is speaking in English. Even the Ustaz2 n Ustazah2. hahaha, i did not expect that the Ustaz with the kopiah and ustazah with the tudung labuh to give us briefing 100% in English. so, i should learn to speak in english with all the IIUM community. thats why i try to write my blog in english ^_^ even my English was not very good.
last but not least, our dresscode here is the formal one. we are wearing baju kemeja with seluar slack to attend the lecture. its look skema right? but it shows our dicipline here.hehehe. for law student, we are require to wear baju kemeja putih, slack hitam n necktie on every tuesday. the point is to follow the dresscode at the Court. but, its look very smart :D
here are some pictures during our Ta'aruf programme..

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